If you are about to enter Higher Education (H.E.) within a college or university and you have dyslexia or another Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD), you may be entitled to DSA. This allows you to obtain private support and purchase specialist software/equipment, to enable you to fully access your chosen course of education.
For this, you must have a report that has been completed by an Educational Psychologist or a qualified Specialist Assessor whilst in Further Education. If a diagnosis was made earlier than that, then a 'top-up' assessment would be needed to ascertain current difficulties and normal way of working.
The report is then sent to "Student Finance England" (SFE), who decide whether you are eligible or not for financial assistance whilst on your course of Higher Education. Once this has been accepted, you will then have an "Assessment of Need", which examines various aspects of support required for you to complete your course.
To complete your DSA assessment, contact us to book the next available slot.
Full Diagnostic DSA Assessment: £350
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Enquiries: gmdyslexiacentre@gmail.com